2/23/2025 Looks like we will finally get a break from the Arctic Blast that has gripped us for over a month. We are winding up the third big holiday week of the season and it promises to be a great season for Killington. DC has been super busy and playing, playing, playing....new photos and info to come this week...

2/6/2025 Well, the snowstorm gave us some time to do an update. Cancelled for today at Snowshed Base Lodge in Killington, VT. This winter has been a weird one weather wise. Still, we keep rocking. There are plenty of new gigs coming in and it promises to be a great summer....

1/21/2025 It is with a very heavy heart I mention here the passing of a true rock and roll legend, Mr. Garth Hudson of The Band. The Band is one of the greatest bands comprised of a collection of the most unique musicians who when they came together created a sound unlike any other in the universe. Garth Hudson was a key component of that sound. I had the honor of having him guest on a couple of tunes on my "American Boy" record. He was a very kind man. he showed up with charts he had written for my songs. Music poured out of him. Once seated at the keyboards he played almost without stopping between takes. Every track was different than the one before and each was magical. We ended up using some of what he played between takes for an intro to "Take Me to Chelsea". He played amazing piano parts and played accordion for the song, "The True American". He told us stories of past gigs with The Band and about playing gigs since the '50's. I would have sat for a week to hear as many stories as he could tell. He had so much knowledge. People talk about his genius, but to see it right before my eyes...mind blowing. The experience was one of the greatest of my life and career. It was such a privilege to be in the same room with him creating music. I had seen him play a number of times, but to actually work with him was beyond special. I am forever grateful for the gift he gave to me as well as the positive and awe-inspiring gifts he gave to the world. RIP Garth and thank you.

1/8/2025 Ski season is cranking, in spite of the arctic blast. Duane has just added a whole bunch more shows on the SHOWS PAGE...

1/3/2025 Winter is here with a chilly vengeance. It may be cold outside, but oh so toasty at any of the number of gigs Duane has going. This past week has brought some really amazing shows with really great turnout. Lots of things planned for this year. Top of the list....finishing the "Selfie" album and getting a band together. We'll keep you posted...

12/13/2024 Ski season is here and already there have been a few shake ups to the schedule. Tomorrow, Duane will be at Bear Mountain in Killington, VT. For all of his gigs check out the SHOWS PAGE,,,

11/21/2024 Here we go....snow is on the way and the December schedule just came in. Check out the SHOWS PAGE for a slew of dates just added. 

11/13/2024 Well...I swear..I'm going to try and do better with keeping up here. We are heading into winter and that means ski season which means DC will be playing a bunch. There will be some very big news coming out in 2025. We have started some revamping of the web site starting with the VIDEO PAGE. Hopefully the changes will make the videos viewable by more folks. We just added a bunch of shows to the SHOWS PAGE.

7/28/2024 Treat yourself to a DC show this summer and beat the weather. The Indoor Golf on Fridays in Rutland, VT is a great one to attend. Duane is currently in the process of mixing his next record, "Selfie". There will be major announcements coming in the near future about this. 

7/12/2024 This summer has struck with rancid humidity or torrential rain and flooding so far. But, we look for the silver lining. We are rocking here. New venues to perform at and our sites on future horizons. Duane is back working on his next record. There is big news coming down the pipeline on this one...can't share yet...don't want to jinx it. We are into the mixing phase at The Recording Company in Esperance, NY. Duane is diligently working on planning promotion of the record. Of course, we will keep you posted. Check out the SHOWS page for shows at Cold Cow Creamery, Indoor Golf, The Umbrella Bar, The Dorset Inn and Mulligan's....

6/7/2024 Well, summer is now upon us. What a crazy ski season this was. First, we started out with very little snow for the first half of the season. The snowmakers and groomers in Killington did a great job of magically creating slopes for folks to ski and snowboard. Then we got blasted with snow for the second half of the season. My home base, Mogul's closed at the end of the season. They had a great season and Thursdays and Saturdays were so much fun to play. I am seriously going to miss playing there. I enjoyed the staff, we worked together well. I will miss the customers. So many regulars that made my two nights part of their weekly routine. I am honored and appreciative that I get to play music for you all. I'm going to miss Sal and Maggie. I can never fully express how much love and appreciation I have for them. I have worked for them on and off for 30 years. This last time was for not quite a decade, but a good size chunk of one. When covid hit, Sal kept in touch with me and he figured out a way to put together an outside area to have music and we talked and we committed to slugging it out and making it happen, to keep the restaurant going. We were in it together and that's how we approached it. Sal kept it going, kept his staff employed and kept music happening. The business rocked coming out of covid. he stayed open through to the end of this past season and had a glorious Pig Roast. Mogul's went out on a high note. I will seriously miss playing there and it will feel strange not to be there on Thursdays and Saturdays. Thank you Sal and Maggie for a great 30 years. 

2/21/2024 As promised, we just added a bunch of photos from the Subaru Winterfest in Killington two weeks ago in the ACOUSTIC GALLERY. Duane played with his ol' pal Rick Redington and his band. The photos were taken by Mary Grace Johnson. There was a huge crowd and the band went down very well. As you can see, it was the first time for Duane playing with gloves on...well half gloves...

2/18/2024 Winter has been full throttle...you may have guessed since we haven't been able to post. Duane is cranking out gigs so there is no excuse not to find him and say "Hi". He played a gig with his ol' pal Rick Redington and Rick's band at The Subaru Winterfest in Killington, VT as the opening act for Yonder Mountain String Band. The gig was a raging success with thousands in attendance and the band went down really well, despite being below freezing outside...that's right, they played outside at a ski resort in February. We will be posting some photos etc. this week. There will be some big news as to Duane's next record coming soon...we will post this week...

12/12/2023 We just added some new dates for this weekend at the Shows Page!!!

11/27/2023 Well, World Cup was a raging success again. Big shout out to the Killington snowmakers, groomers and all staff that make the event so special every year. DC has just got a call to kick off the Monday K1 Base Lodge shows today from 2:00 - 5:00. We have also added a veritable smorgasbord of SHOWS...

11/11/2023 Here we are in stick season. We have just added a new Artist rendering of the artist himself to the Artist Gallery. Always happy for people to create some art. Ski season is on the way and the SHOWS PAGE will be updated very, very soon. It promises to be a busy winter, as usual. Duane's next album....yeah, I know it's still not done, but with good reason. There are some things in the works and it will be worth the wait. Check out Duane on Facebook and Instagram as there has been a flurry of cool videos and photos posted recently...

9/1/2023 Well....finally, an update to the news. Not that things weren't happening...in fact, too many things to keep up with. Duane has almost completed tracking his record. Mixing begins in September. There is some potentially big news....but we can't share it until it has happened. Duane has been playing all over, including the northern most town in NH. We have added a photo from a show in Pittsburg, NH to prove it on the ACOUSTIC GALLERY...as well as some other new photos too. Duane has been playing a lovely and early gig in Rutland, VT every other Weds. at Strangefellows Pub. For all of you who have said, "If only you'd play earlier"...this is it, so no excuses. We have updated the SHOWS PAGE too.

12/11/2022 Here comes the ski season! DC has picked up a last minute gig for today at the brand new K1 Base Lodge in Killington, VT from 2:00 - 5:00. We will be adding several new shows to the schedule in the following days too. Of course, we will be continuing the residencies at Strangefellows, Mogul's and The Summit Lodge and adding in the Killington lodges for the winter. Things are going to be busy, busy, busy and we hope to see you at a show.

11/17/2022 Here's Ski Season!!! Opening day today and we've finally started to fill in the winter schedule. More dates to come. If you haven't stopped in to listen to Duane and have some delicious tacos or cocktails...or both on a Wednesday night at Strangefellows, then you owe yourself a treat. Nice and early hours (5:30 - 7:30) tasty and affordable food and soothing cocktails...so, so nice...

7/21/2022 Holy Heat Wave Batman!!! Well....summer is in full swing with a whole bunch of great SHOWS. Tonight, Duane starts back up at Mogul's in Killington, VT. There have been plenty of outdoor shows too....The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT and The Cold Cow in Manchester, VT. It has been fabulous to see folks having a great time and enjoying live music again and we can't thank you all enough. After a fair amount of badgering from some fans, Duane finally opened a Venmo account Venmo@Duane-Carleton. Progress....slow. but progress nonetheless :D 

6/4/2022 Here comes the summer!!!! So many dates added to the SHOWS PAGE. Lots of things coming up this summer, a Tin Pan Alley reunion, a Personal Ads reunion (Duane's band from high school), a DC3 album release....lots and lots of shows and tunes....let' rock it!!!

5/3/2022 We are sad to say goodbye to Nipper's Cafe in Manchester, VT. Duane enjoyed so many great shows there and will miss this great venue. It would appear that the owners will have him play at their other venue in Manchester, The Cold Cow Creamery. The schedule is filling up for the summer and it promises to be a slamming, jamming summer....new shows posted in the SHOWS page...including two just booked at Strangefellows in Rutland, VT...

4/25/2022 DC had a fabulous time at The Moose this past Friday! Great turnout...so cool. Thank you. We have just added a new show for this weekend in Killington at the Umbrella Bar at K1 on Saturday...also, this just in: Duane will play for the last show ever at Nipper's Cafe in Manchester, VT from 7:00 - 10:00...last time to say goodbye to a great summer place for us to enjoy great food and music...

4/16/2022 Well, tonight is DC's last Saturday of the season at Mogul's in Killington, VT. Not to worry though, he'll be back in July on the outdoor stage. We have added a number of SHOWS to the summer schedule. We also have added some lovely drawings of Duane including one by Ryan Scarano (who may be one of DC's youngest fans) to the Artist Gallery

2/24/2021 Ski season has been super busy for us here at DC Central. We have begun to add a few dates to the summer schedule. We will be posting some new photos soon as well as getting to finish up the upcoming DC3 record...the pandemic really put a drag on our studio time, but we are getting ready to wind it up this spring.

1/22/2021 Well...after a less than brief pause for the cause...and a bout of covid...DC will be returning to playing music next week on the 27th. We have updated out schedule to reflect this. Killington Resort, who had pulled the entertainment a month ago, has reinstated it. We live in weird, tenuous times. All things are subject to change at a moments notice. For now, the Shows Page is accurate....try and stay safe and healthy out there and we look forward to seeing you...

12/17/2021 After a brief pause for the cause, DC is now back in action. Gigs resumed this weekend. There will be new gigs coming in and will be announced and posted soon. 

11/24/2021 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! World Cup happens in Killington this weekend and it kicks off the official ski season on '21-'22. Full disclosure for all who have been asking, "Will DC be playing the lodges this year?"....we don't know. Things will most likely be played by ear for a good chunk of the season. It looks like he will, but with covid still spreading around acting as the wild card....well, we will just have to keep you posted. For now, we have posted up our current schedule for the winter.

10/24/2021 Well, foliage is winding up and we will be heading into ski season soon. We will have dates coming in very soon for this winter...keep yer eyes peeled....

10/8/2021 This just in...the Summit Lodge show for tonight is back on. So, Duane will be performing your favorite acoustic selections at The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT from 6:00 - 9:00 tonight...Friday October 8th.....tonight...

10/7/2021 The Sundays at The Clear River Tavern in Pittsfield, VT have been a raging success. Therefore....more Sundays have been added!!! Thank you so much for supporting these shows. Foliage is about to explode and we are having a great Fall season of shows here at DC Central. We are currently working on filling up the winter schedule....more to come there.

9/30/2021 Well, her we go heading into foliage! Still we have a bunch of shows through the fall. This Saturdays Umbrella Bar show in Killington just had a time change to 4:00 - 7:00. There has been some talks about the winter/ski season shows and of course, we'll let you know when we know. 

9/3/2021 The big news for today is that the original lineup of Tin Pan Alley will be playing a reunion show tonight in Middletown Springs, VT at Harvest Moon at 8:00. Tomorrow night, DC3 performs there. This has been a great summer as far as shows and people coming out to hear live music. Thank you for that from the bottom of our hearts here at DC Central. Dates are being added for the winter schedule....so watch for the schedule to fill up...providing you with lots of chances to catch a DC show.

8/20/2021 This just in....Sundays show at Nippers in Manchester, VT will be changed to The Cold Cow Creamery in Manchester and will happen from 2:00 - 5:00 only if the weather is good. 

8/20/2021 Summer's winding down. Just a couple more chances to see DC at Nippers, Christie's on the Lake and The Clear River Tavern. DC went to the studio this past week to put final tweaks on "Seflie". The word on the street...and we know you can't believe everything you hear, but in this case you can, Tin Pan Alley will be playing a reunions show at Harvest Moon at Harvest Moon...the next night DC3 performs....lots of electric guitar going to go down!!!

8/13/2021 Just added some new updates to the SHOWS PAGE !!! Some exciting things, such as a Tin Pan Alley reunion. DC3 had a great show in Rochester, VT and there may be some video and/or audio to come as one of our favorite tapers attended and documented the event. This Saturday (tomorrow) Duane will be performing at the Mogul's Pig Roast in Killington, VT. There will be a benefit motorcycle ride in Memory of Chipper that ends up at the Pig Roast also. The ride raises money for The Humane Society. 

7/27/2021 Just a heads up, Mogul's shows are cancelled due to a death in the owners family. DC will be back next week. Nippers was sold out this week...YAHOO!!! Lots and lots of opportunities to catch a Duane show and get your fix.....

7/10/2021 YEEHAW!!!!!! Well, last night's show at The Clear River Tavern was such a raging success that it will be a regular Tuesday night event until September. The SHOWS schedule is pretty full for the next few months. YAY!!! DC is so happy and pleased to be back playing for you. Soon we will have some audio and video from Sunday night's DC3 show in Ludlow, VT. Keep an eye out for that. DC is back in Manchester at Nippers this Sunday....look out Manchester....here we go!!! 

7/7/2021 Hooooboy!!! The first few weeks of shows have been spectacular! We so very, very much appreciate the support and attendance!!! Just a reminder, this Sunday DC3 will be playing in Ludlow on the High School Green from 7:00 - 8:00. We just uploaded a video of the title track from the new record, "Selfie" and you can watch it here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj3Lfp_Zz0M . More and more summer shows have been added to the Shows Page...we look forward to seeing you at a show.....

6/16/2021 Here comes the summer shows! Yup....actual live performances. New dates added to the SHOWS PAGE, and more to come. Let's make hay while the sun is shining and enjoy some music....WOOHOO! Here is another video for the song, "Lonely Rock and Roller" from the upcoming DC3 album, "Selfie" Lonely Rock and Roller - YouTube Look for your opportunities to see DC# in flight on the SHOWS PAGE also.

6/1/2021 Well now...it would appear things will be looking a bit more like a normal schedule this summer as compared with last summer.We have been diligently filling up the SHOWS PAGE !!! If you didn't check out the new DC3 video for Hate's In Vain - YouTube what are you waiting for...it's a sneak peek of what's in store on the new record. DC has been working hard to get the record finished. It looks like one more day of final tweaks to the mixes and then off to the mastering house. VT artist Jason Bemis is putting his blood sweat and tears into the album artwork. We have added a number of new photos to the ACOUSTIC GALLERY as well for your viewing pleasure....here comes 2021....

5/25/2021 YEEfrickinHAW!!!!!! The summer is filling up nicely...lots and lots of new shows added....a return to Nippers shows, The Summit Lodeg....and DC3 shows! Check out the SHOWS PAGE for all the details. Speaking of DC3, check out this song from their soon to be released record, "Selfie"....this song is "Hate's In Vain" and was recorded and video shot at A Sound Space in Rutland, VT with additional production done at The Recording Company and Carl Tone Films... Hate's In Vain - YouTube 

5/11/2021 Yup! Summer is shaping up nicely....more dates added to the SHOWS PAGE!!! DC will be returning to Manchester, Lake George, Killington....shows with DC3...oh yes....there will be rocking this summer....

5/7/2021 Here comes the summer!!! First and foremost, thank you to the venues that supported Duane through this pandemic year with work and to the folks who came out to those shows. We truly appreciate it. We are busy working on filling up the summer schedule, but you can see a plethora of shows already posted on the SHOWS PAGE

4/7/2021 Woooohooooo. DC spent a great day in the studio working on the audio tracks for the videos we are putting together for DC3....the videos are coming together very, very nicely! Looky, looky at the SHOWS PAGE.....looks like there will be shows this summer!!!! Oh yes....rock and roll!

4/1/2021 Here we go folks....new dates just added for DC and for DC3 this summer added to the SHOWS PAGE. Also, Killington has opened the Umbrella Bar up for entertainment and Duane will be playing on 3/10 and 3/11 from 1:00 - 4:00....he's baaaaaack!!!!

3/18/2021 Well, well, well....winter is crashing into spring as the weather warms up. Duane is still playing a few gigs a week in the Killington area. Summer gigs are currently being added to the SHOWS PAGE. Yes, you heard correctly. We are finally starting to be able to book into the future....WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!! As people get vaccinated and Vermont continues to do an efficient job with the rollout there is hope in the air. Thank you so much to the venues that have kept DC going this past year as well as the people who came to support live music in a safe, socially distanced, sanitized, responsible way. Duane has been working on a two pronged DC3 effort with mixing for the record being done remotely....a bit of a challenge...and also editing several new DC3 live videos shot in A Sound Space in Rutland, VT. These videos will debut five songs from the new DC3 album. Also, we have posted some new acoustic Duane photos in the ACOUSTIC GALLERY with one being a nice throwback to the Draught Room.

2/19/2021 Big holiday weekend coming up and we have added another DC show for you at The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT on Valentines Day. More work has been done on the DC3 album although it is a little tough to mix remotely. We are persevering here at DC Central. We are looking forward to returning to a somewhat normal schedule in the summer...we hope....fingers crossed everybody....

1/21/2021 Well, well, well....we got snow, we got social distancing, we got great food and cocktails and we got DC gigs in Killington, VT....we got SHOWS...

1/16/2021 We gotta let you know that Duane will be playing at The Summit in Killington, VT on Sunday the 17th (tomorrow) from 4:30 - 7:30 for your post ski delight...spread the word..

1/7/2021 Well...here we go...barreling into 2021...DC has added some more SHOWS. In addition to Mogul's and The Nite Spot he has added a weekly show at The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT. The Summit has a great large room with extra social distancing space, really a great set up for safety. DC3 has begun rehearsing to release some live video too.  We are hoping to see the DC3 record get finished. mixing will have to be done remotely most likely. We are seriously hoping to see things improve this year, for live music to come back and to be able to produce new music.

12/24/2020 Happy Holidays to all! Let's hope anyways...we have some actual gigs to announce...remember those? Not DC's usual winter chock full o' shows but, we'll take it! We have added shows at Mogul's, The Nite Spot and The Summit Lodge (all in Killington, VT). What a freaking year...let's hope is all unicorns and rainbows from here on out....or at least from soon to her on out....

12/1/2020 After some false starts and changes mid-stream...we have posted a tentative schedule on the SHOWS PAGE. We'll see how it lasts. Duane will be playing live w/ Rick Redington on WEXP on Friday at 6:00 for a fundraiser for the station. Rutland, this is your community station. They cover your local organizations, your news, your businesses and your music and the most diverse music format around...this is a great cause. For now we are working on a schedule for the winter. For sure, it will be a small percentage of what it normally would be but, it's a starting point to build on from here....we'll keep you posted...

11/13/2020 Well.....this just in....entertainment is being cancelled statewide so, we have made the updates to the SHOWS PAGE

10/28/2020 Don't forget that Duane returns to Mogul's in Killington, VT tomorrow (the 29th) 4:00 - 8:00.....rumor is that snow will be making an appearance also...

10/22/2020 Hey....there you are....okay, so, we haven't chatted in awhile. Obviously, with the covid Duane has had some down time. But, he's coming back. New shows have been added to the SHOWS PAGE. There will be some changes to the schedule this winter as there will be no entertainment at any base lodges in Killington (as of right now). There will be more shows added so, stay tuned. DC3 continues to work on the mixing of their new record and wil...yes, they will, put it out this winter. There will hopefully be posts of some live DC3 coming this winter to showcase the new material. You'll just have to keep checking in here 'cause.....we're baaaaaaack!!!

6/20/2020 Well, we are stepping our toe in the water and Duane has begun to play some outside shows. He will be doing Thursdays and Sundays from 3:00 - 7:00 at Mogul's in Killington, VT. Lots of outdoor tables spaced appropriately apart. There's BBQ, cocktails, mini-golf and of course, live music...No word so far on a few other regular summer shows Duane usually does. We'll keep you posted. He is also streaming a solo set and a DC3 set today for Vermont Adaptive. They are a great organization that helps folks with physical challenges do sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Today is there fundraiser/century ride. Check it out and donate here: https://www.facebook.com/vtadaptive/

6/1/2020 A few more cancellations coming in. There has been a significant change to the SHOWS page. The gigs booked for next week have been cancelled and all summer regular shows are up in the air. Yes, things are beginning to open up but, with many states still on the rise with Covid cases and VT being a tourism state...well, it's a simple equation to see the potential issues. Also, many bars, resorts and restaurants have taken a significant beating financially with being closed or only doing takeout. They will not be operating at full staff, full capacity or be in the position to hire entertainment right away. We are not out of the woods by a long shot folks...hold on to your hats and we here at DC Central will keep you updated as to the changes here...

5/26/2020 Here come the Covid Cancellations....we are sad to report that Duane won't be performing at Nipper's in Manchester, VT this summer. All shows there have been cancelled. As to Christie's Omn The Lake in Lake George, NY...these are on hold and waiting for the word to start. We'll let you know when we know...Thank you for all of your support...

5/22/2020 So.....not much new to report. A few gigs have been cancelled due to Covid-19. As to the shows that are left on the Schedule, we'll have to keep you posted. Duane has now added over 150 songs to the Quarantine Sessions on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=duane+carleton+quarantine+sessions . Keep checking back for more information. As we get it we will share it right away...

4/23/2020 Well...we hope everyone is doing okay...staying healthy and safe. There are no new gigs to post as the stay at home ban is still in place for a few more weeks. However, if you're jonesing for a little bit of DC...he has now posted over 100 songs to the Quarantine Sessions here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=duane+carleton+quarantine+sessions. We will start making some new additions to the site...new photos etc. ya know...since we have the time...

3/31/2020 Tomorrow night The Heavily Bros. (Rick Redington and DC) will be playing an on-air and streaming fundraiser for Rutland community radio station WEXP 101.5. This is a non-commercial station and due to the coronavirus, a number of the stations sponsors have backed off their sponsorship. This station is the only station we know of in the state that plays VT made music on their station. Speaking of covid-19...as you have noticed dates keep being removed from the Schedule. We are hoping that by May things start to be allowed to open back up...or by June...or by July...we'll be riding it out and we'll let ya know when new dates come in. For now, Duane has been doing a series of Quarantine Sessions on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=duane+carleton+quarantine+sessions .

3/18/2020 Well...as some may have guessed...there have been some changes to the ol' schedule due to coronavirus. We have cleared the dates for March and we'll have to let you know about April. We'll keep you posted as to any kind of online performances etc. Be careful out there and stay healthy...

3/5/2020 Man, oh man...where does a month go...oh yeah...gigs...lots of gigs. And, we just posted even more as well as a few new photos from this past months gigs on the Acoustic Gallery. DC is in talks with Rick Redington to put together another West Rutland show with both bands, DC3 and The Luv. Look for more DC3 shows this summer as the band is very near completion of it's new record. 

1/28/2020 Major updates to the DC Web Site today!!! DC3 now has it's own page! Check out video and photos for the band there. We have also added a slew of new pics to both the Acoustic Gallery and the Electric Gallery...new updates to the Shows Page too.....

1/17/2020 DC3 will be rocking the house on Saturday night at Nite Spot Pizza in Killington, VT and they would love to see you there so they can play a ton of tunes from their upcoming record for you!!! We have also posted a bunch of summer dates too....heck yeah!

1/9/2020 Happy New Year!!! After winding up 2019 with just shy of 300 shows, DC is diving right into 2020. So many chances to see the big guy. Those of you looking for early shows, there are plenty of base lodge gigs in the afternoon and also Saturday Happy Hour at The Nite Spot in Killington, VT. In fact, DC will be there tomorrow night from 8:00 - 12:00 too. Shows being added for the summer too. Take a look at the Schedule for some DC3 too...power trio rock and roll to soothe your soul. 

12/25/2019 Happy Holidays to all! We have a ton of stuff coming up. DC3 has added a bunch of dates including this coming Saturday at The Nite Spot in Killington, VT. They WILL be finishing their record this year too. DC returns to The Clear River Tavern on this Friday at 7:30...Also, we've added a smorgasbord of a schedule for the winter. BTW thank you to all who have attended shows and thank you to all who hired Duane this year. This has been a very, very busy year with just shy of 300 dates played....HOLY MACKEREL! There is a good chance you'll see some Heavily Bros. dates in the new year as well as some shows with DC3 and The Luv together. DC already has a bunch of tunes up his sleeve for another record too.....man, oh man....let us rock and roll together in 2020...music is the power. 

12/5/2019 Here we go folks! Winter is here and the time is right for...well, skiing, snowboarding, happy hours and live music! The first Saturday Happy Hour at The Nite Spot was fabulous. DC won't be there this week but, will be back fro every Saturday thereafter. The pizza got rave reviews as did the renovations to bring the building back to life. New shows have been added to the schedule so check 'em out. This week Duane is playing a new place in Middlebury, VT...Otter Creek Brewing...tomorrow...DC3 is almost finished mixing their new record and are looking forward to upping the ante this year with more shows.....keep your eyes peeled right here... 

12/1/2019 Well...it's official...The Nite Spot is back!!! And DC is back playing there...no need for a time machine, just walk through the doors and it's Saturday happy hour like it used to be. LOCAL'S NIGHT  will also be at the new Nite Spot too. Live acoustic music paired with great wood fired pizza...can't go wrong there. DC also will begin his Mondays at K1 Base Lodge this Monday...and he will be doing Thirsty Thursday Happy Hour at Mogul's on Thursdays....man, oh man....we got some good times coming .....

11/5/2019 Well, we turned the lights out temporarily to get a little rest and to gather the bookings for the winter season....and they are now here! The Outback in Killington will be reopening under new management and a massive facelift and Duane will be there...kind of like going home. There is some talk of Duane's return to some dates at The Clear River Tavern in Pittsfield, VT too. Duane has been mixing the new DC3 record and it is coming out sweeeeet! The hope is to put out a vinyl option for folks and it will be available at Mountain Music in Rutland, VT at their new location (where Duane just played their grand opening) on Center Street. Watch for DC3 dates to be added to the schedule too....take a look at it, hard to believe we'll find room for more dates...but we will :) Make sure to pop up on a Sunday night for LOCALS NIGHT at Mogul's (until the Outback opens and then it will be there). They have been going great and ya know that Duane loves to see you there....

10/3/2019 The air is getting chilly and the nights are getting long. Winter is coming and Duane's ski season schedule will soon be here. We will have it to you as soon as we have it in our hot little hands. For now though, we have added some shows to the Shows Page including a new booking for DC3 (whose album, is currently being mixed....YES!).

9/12/2019 Well, summer is coming to an end and Duane will be playing his last Nipper's show for the summer tonight. He would like to thank all of the great folks who attended these shows and made it such a great time. Starting next Thursday, Duane will be playing happy hours at Mogul's in Killington, VT from 5:30 - 9:00. Duane would also like to thank the folks at Christie's On The Lake in Lake George, NY for a great summer there too! This year has been exceptionally busy and the chill is already in the air...ski season's coming folks. We here at DC Central are looking forward to a great winter playing music for you all....

7/31/2019 Hey, hey! We have gone through and made sure all of the dates and times on the SHOWS PAGE are correct and up to date. Summer is steamrolling and Duane has been playing a veritable ton of shows! So many places and plenty of early shows...so no excuses not to catch him playing live this summer. We have just added a bunch of photos from Mogul's, Castleton University, Delta Blue, The Summit Lodge and Bear Mountain (with our good friend Holly) to the ACOUSTIC GALLERY !!! We have also added a photo of DC3 at The Recording Company working on their upcoming album on the ELECTRIC GALLERY ! Work on the record has progressed and mixing has commenced. Won't be long now until we will have a tasty new record of power trio goodness to listen to.....

7/17/2019 Here is this weeks schedule: tonight DC is at Christie's on The Lake in Lake George, NY, tomorrow night he is at Nipper's in Manchester, VT, Friday he will be at The Draught Room in Rutland, VT, Saturday DC rocks the Umbrella Bar at Snowshed in Killington, VT and Sunday he will be at The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT. Very bust summer schedule with lots of places and times to catch a DC show. Check out the SHOWS PAGE for details. We just posted a great photo of Duane in action at Christie's On The Lake in Lake George in the ACOUSTIC GALLERY. DC3 had a great show with Rick Redington and The Luv at Castleton University last week. There may be audio forthcoming of this show soon. DC3 is forging ahead on a new record....stay tuned....

7/1/2019 Coming up this week: DC will be playing at Christie's On The Lake in Lake George, NY on Mon. and Weds.9:00 - 1:00,  then he's at Nipper's in Manchester, VT on Thursday from 6:00 - 9:00. Fridays he plays The Draught Room in Rutland, VT from 7:00 - 9:00. Saturday, he'll be at The Umbrella Bar in Killington, VT from 3:30 - 6:30 and then The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT from 7:00 - 10:00. Sundays, it's Sunday Brunch at The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT from noon - 4:00. Next Tuesday DC will be playing a three band extravaganza with The Heavily Bros., Rick Redington and The Luv and DC3 at Castleton University from 7:00 - 9:20...this is a rare pairing and one you won't see everyday...and the show is free.

6/20/2019 Summer is cranking into full speed. Duane started his Lake George residency with a roar already with two great nights at Christie's. This weekend has some timeslots that were up in the air until now. Aside from Duane's Friday night at The draught Room (always a blast) and his Sunday Brunch at The Summit Lodge (dine and drink in a splendorous setting) he will be playing on Saturday at The Moose Lodge in Rutland, VT for a fundraiser from 3:00 - 5:00 and then at a Celebration of Life for Robbie Southworth in Mendon, VT w/ Rick Redington at 7:00.  We have added a cool photo of Duane being photobombed by the Van Wicken Brewery mascot in the Acoustic Gallery....looking forward to seeing you at a show this summer!!!

5/16/2019 Don't forget that this Saturday, DC3 will be performing a show at The Town Hall in Wardsboro, VT from 7:00 - 9:00 as part of their Curtain Call Music Series!!! The band will be performing a bunch of your faves as well as a ton of stuff from the upcoming DC3 record. Duane will be recording an interview for "Let's Chat w/ Spanky Payne"...well tonight...airings will be announced at a later date. We have, of course, posted new shows to the Schedule. We have also added some delightful photos to the Acoustic Gallery for your viewing pleasure.

4/26/2019 How about a little bit of DC3 for Southern, VT...okay. DC3 will be playing at the Wardsboro Curtain Call Music Series at The Wardsboro Town Hall in Wardsboro, VT. The show will be from 7:00 - 9:00. The boys will be playing neqw tunes from the upcoming album as well as DC faves. Here is the pertinent info: https://www.wardsborovermont.com/town-hall-music More and more summer dates are being added all of the time to the SHOWS page. The new record is nearly complete and will be released this year. Plans are to do a CD and Vinyl release. Duane will be returning to Manchester, VT for the summer starting on June 27th. he has just worked out a bunch of his Killington summer schedule also....

3/14/2019 Coming up this Saturday, DC3 will be rocking Killington, VT at Mogul's from 9-1. Also, we have added the set Duane played when he opened up for Robert Randolph to the Bootleg Vault....enjoy....

2/28/2019 Winter keeps on rocking!!! DC3 is closing in on adding the last two tracks to their upcoming album. They have been playing some well attended and well received shows this winter and have another coming up on March 16th at Mogul's in Killington, VT. Watch this space for more DC3 shows to be added to the schedule....

2/14/2019 Happy Valentines Day!!! So many new shows posted in the Shows Page! These include a DC3 show on Saturday at Mogul's in Killington, VT as well as a three band show this summer with DC, Rick Redington and The Luv and The Heavily Bros......

1/26/2019 DC has been added to the every Thursday roster at Mogul's in Killington, VT from 5:30 - 9:00. We are starting to book our summer already! Keep checking for those dates as well. DC3 has added dates which include this coming Saturday (a week from today)...you absolutely must see this band....you owe it to yourself...

11/24/2018 Happy Thanksgiving and shopping season to you all. Winter/Ski Season is here and Duane will be heading up to Lake Placid this evening to play at Delta Blue. We have posted a number of new SHOWS including several dates with DC3. The band is close to finishing up recording their new album. It will definitely be released in 2019 and promises to be a rocking collection of tunes for your listening pleasure. 

11/2/2018 Here we go heading into the ski season. Duane's schedule is filling up and we are looking forward to many shows this winter. This summer has been the busiest ever and we thank you for that. Duane will be taking up a Friday night residency at The Draught Room in Rutland, VT starting this week. He is also doing LOCAL'S NIGHT at Mogul's in Killington, VT every Sunday night. DC3 will be playing a show in Wardsboro VT on May 18th. The band is diligently working on finishing up their new record.. This record has been recorded with the band playing together live in a room. Pure rock and roll. Watch for DC3 shows to begin increasing as we near the release of "Selfie"....Check out all of the SHOWS...

9/28/2018 LOCAL'S NIGHT  will be returning to Killington, VT on Sunday October 7th. Duane will be playing at moguls in Killington, VT from 10:00 - 1:30 every Sunday...the night that is all about you...new dates are posted on the Shows Page.

8/10/2018 It is with a heavy heart we announce that Sunday LOCAL'S NIGHT  at Jax will be coming to an end. Thank you to all who have been supportive through the years. It has been an honor to play music for you. Thank you.

7/26/2018 Holy can't keep up Batman!!! So many shows, so little time. The shows have been awesome this summer as Duane plays around the Northeast. DC3 played a great gig in Rochester, VT and played several new tracks from the new record they are working on. In fact, they just did a recording session last week adding two more songs to the project. Rock and Roll Baby! We have added new dates including DC3 shows to the SHOWS PAGE !!!

6/6/2018 The summer playing schedule has started and DC is playing all over the Northeast this week. VT, CT, NY.. He will be starting his summer residency at Nipper's in Manchester, VT in two weeks. Tonight he will be playing a last minute add at Christie's On The Lake in Lake George, NY. We have now posted a delightful video from DC3's show in West Rutland on the Video Page for your pleasure. Watch for a number of Lynch Bros. shows this summer too, including this Friday at Maxie's in Albany, NY. All gigs are on the Shows Page...

5/25/2018 Heading on into the summer schedule and we have some stuff coming up. Next week begins the Thursday nights at Nipper's in Manchester, VT. Great outdoor patio, food and cocktails...and fire pit....and music by Duane. June will begin regular shows at Christie's On The Lake in Lake George, NY, The Umbrella Bar in Killington, VT and  The Summit Lodge in Killington, VT. DC3 continues to work on their new record...make a point to see this band and check out their tune, "Selfie"...you'll like it, we promise...

5/11/2018 Here we go into summer!!! DC has added a massive plethora of shows for your listening enjoyment. He will rocking NY state quite frequently as well as the VT statewide....DC3 is continuing to work on what we expect to be a really, really good album of rock and roll. The band has been recording like they used to...the whole band all in a room together. Be prepared for a catchy and  rocking collection of  poignant toe tappers....more info to come. We will be putting together some video from the Westside Three Band Extravaganza to be posted soon.....We know you're gonna like it...Duane will be participating in a benefit for his friend Darlene Autery. This will be at Bolton Valley on Sunday June 24 from noon to dark. He will be performing with Rick Redington and The Luv. Tickets are available as well as a link to make a donation if you can't attend as well as further info at www.vtrocks.net

4/5/2018 The three band show in West Rutland was a raging success!!!! Fabulous turnout was better than expected. We will definitely be doing this again sooner than later. There were recordings made and video shot...so who knows what may come of that. Here is a photo from the big night as DC3 were ROCKING!!! More and more summer dates are pouring in. Please do check out the schedule and find a date to see Duane, DC3 or The Heavily Bros.

2/3/2018 Ski season is cranking right along this year and there are no shortage of dates to see DC rock...but just in case, we've added some more. The Heavily Bros. have 2 shows added which will include a three band extravaganza at the West Rutland Town Hall with DC3, the Luv and The Heavilys. DC3 is continuing to add new tracks to their upcoming album...which is going to ROCK!!! DC is working on several irons in the fire...keep checking back to see what is coming up....

1/2/2018 New dates added to the SHOWS Page to include a Three Band Review with The Heavily Bros. Rick Redington and the Luv and DC3...tickets go on sale soon! Happy New Year! Ski season is in full swing and there are a ton of shows on tap. Work will continue on the new DC3 album and the band will be playing more shows and performing new tunes from the disc.

12/14/2017 Ski Season is upon us as evidenced by the new adds of two shows at Pico Mountain...keep watching the Shows Page for last minute adds this time of year.....

12/8/2017 New gigs have just been added for this month. These include a Humane Society Benefit, a DC3 show and a Heavily Bros. show....check out the SHOWS Page.

11/22/2017 Happy Thanksgiving to you!!! The Winter Schedule is in! Lots and lots of new shows added. Hey, if you're up for fundraising and breakfast, Duane will be playing at The Pickle Barrel in Killington tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. .....yeah...a.m. for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot Race. Help others, hear some tunes and spend the rest of the day eating....sound like fun to me. 

11/01/2017 We have added some photos to the Electric Gallery and the Acoustic Gallery for your viewing pleasure, including a pic or two of the Heavily Bros. The winter is filling in and there is more to come. DC3 will be adding more tracks to their upcoming album this week. Coming up, Duane returns to LOCAL'S NIGHT at Jax and he heads back to Delta Blue in Lake Placid next weekend.. Watch for a show to come with DC3, Rick Redington and The Luv and The Heavily Bros. on the same bill, All of this will be appearing on the Shows Page

10/20/2017 Here we go, heading into the winter gigging season. It is official that DC will be returning to Killington for many day shows. We have to iron out the startup dates before we post the dates to the Shows Page. We have, however, posted other dates such as a new DC3 show in December. DC3 is working on new tunes and a new record at The Recording Company. Watch for this album to be released in 2018. 

9/13/2017 Wheeeeeeew....okay. That was a long run of dates....trying to keep up with Duane on the road around the Northeast this summer has been wearing us out and keeping us from posting. Duane played a run of thirty two dates in thirty days...right up there with George Thoroughgood's 50 dates in 50 states. Anyway, we are putting together a delightful Fall/Winter schedule too that will include, DC, DC3, The Heavily Bros. The Lynch Bros. and duo dates w/ DC3 bass player Brian Hobbs (would that be DC2) as well as duo dates w/ Jeff Poremski. Duane has also been putting together a showing of his film, "Divided by Diversity" at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Rutland, VT to be held on Saturday October 21st at 7:00 p.m. This showing will provide a one time opportunity for the public to meet and ask questions of film participants to include coaches, players, a host parent and others during the Q&A to follow the film. This showing will be free of charge....no excuses not to attend this and do your part to fight racism...During the past month we have had several newsworthy encounters which included chilly but fun sets at Harvest Moon and a reunion of The Duanettes....we are definitely having a good time people.

7/18/2017 Super summer....The Summer of Rock! We've got so many things coming up this summer...DC3 live on the green in Brandon, DC3 working on a new album, JP/DC duo with Jeff Poremski, The Lynch bros. duo with Tim Lynch, The Heavily Bros. w/ Rick Redington, solo shows around the Northeast... Lake Placid, Clifton Park....MA...VT....rock and roll...check out the SHOWS PAGE...

6/18/2017 Summertime, summertime sum, sum summertime....Duane has been teaming up with Tim Lynch as The Lynch Bros. and playing some very cool shows! This is a unique duo and who won't know what they will play next or who's going to play what. DC3 continues to work on their new record....soundin' real good too.... Look for them to be putting together a special show, gonna be cool! DC also has a few dates booked with "Old Friend" Rick Redington as The Heavily Bros. These shows have been super fun both for observers and for participants...in case you haven't checked the schedule....this has been a bit of a busy spring and the summer is slamming! More and more shows being added all of the time! Duane's new film, "Divided by Diversity" continues to air on VT PBS... check it out here: http://vermontpbs.org/show/22664/0.

6/2/2017 Tomorrow, Duane will be showing an excerpt of "Divided by Diversity" at the White River Indie Festival at the Barrette Center for the Arts in White River Junction VT at 9:00 a.m. Also, he will be playing tomorrow night for a fundraiser for  http://www.playforyourfreedom.org/ at Doinic's Pizza in Killington VT. We have been adding so many new shows....man, you gotta check out the Schedule.....

5//17/2017 WHOA NELLY!!!! we are adding so many dates to the summer Schedule ...just take a peek at August.....also, Duane's film, "Divided by Diversity" will begin airing on VT PBS tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m.

5//12/2017 The summer is really filling up! Duane has begun shows in Lake George NY and this weekend, he will play at Delta Blue in Lake Placid NY! Next week, DC's documentary film "Divided by Diversity" will begin airing on VT PBS on Thursday 5/18 at 7:00. The Heavily Bros. will ride again on Friday at The Foundry. Duane resumes work on a new album with his new band DC3....more on this as we go.....

4//21/2017 So many new SHOWS added .....check 'em out! Duane's new film, "Divided by Diversity" will begin airing on VT PBS on 5/18/17 at 7:00 p.m. !!! Duane will also be participating in the White River Indie Festival on June 3rd also. We have some new video of Duane and his friend Holly singing in Killington this ski season....it's on the Video Page

4//1/2017 Some newsworthy items for you....Next Friday 4/7/2017 The Heavily Bros. will play again at The Foundry in Killington, VT....as always this promises to be a spectacular event not to be missed. There have been many new shows pouring in for the summer....Lake Placid NY, Lake George NY, as well as Killington and Manchester VT. We will soon be releasing exciting news about Duane's newest film, "Divided by Diversity"....very soon....

3//18/2017 Whoo Hoo! We are adding shows for the summer! Check out the Schedule for all the new adds. One new show...and it's pre-summer...is a Heavily Bros. show at The Foundry in Killington, VT on April 7th. During this ski season, Duane's good friend Holly came up from VA and did us all the pleasure of singing with Duane at a number of shows. We have added new photos, including a shot of one of these performances on the Acoustic Gallery. There will be some video on the next update. 

3//2/2017 DC3 will be rocking the house at The Foundry in Killington, VT tomorrow night (Friday) at 8:30. The Heavily Bros. show at the Crow's Nest went so well that there will soon be an announcement of more shows to come.....Duane's newest film, "Divided by Diversity" had a fantastic showing in Brattleboro, VT...and there is big news to come soon about it....

2//15/2017 Well, golly....We have posted some new photos on the Electric Gallery as well as a photo of the Heavily Bros. on the Acoustic Gallery. Speaking of the Bros. They will be performing next Weds. at The Crow's nest in the Pickle Barrel in Killington, VT from 9:00 - 1:00. Then, on Thursday, Duane's newest film, "Divided by Diversity" will be shown in Brattleboro, VT at the SIT Graduate Institute in the El Cafe at 7:00 p.m. More shows on the Schedule....also, after Duane added to his already lengthy Bio by opening for Singer/Front man for Rusted Root, Michael Glabicki ...we've updated the Biography Page.

1//19/2017 Whoa Nelly !!! Just in: Duane will be opening up for Michael Gablicki of Rusted Root at The Pickle Barrel in Killington VT...tonight! 9:30 startup time. Then....oh yeah...wait for it...tomorrow night, he will be performing with The Heavily Bros. at The Foundry in Killington, VT from 8:30 - 12:30...you need to get to this show! Duane's newest film, "Divided by Diversity" will be shown at St. Michaels' College in Colchester, VT next Thursday (26th)....more showings to come.... 

1//13/2017 Well HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!! here we go into another fun filled year!!! More and more shows are being added all the time and work continues on a new DC3 album. Duane and Rick have continued to pick up shows as The Heavily Bros. so many ways to see the DC.....

12//17/2016 Well...here comes ski season! Where there's snow, there's shows...so many new gigs added to the Shows page. Duane's showing of, "Divided by Diversity" in the Bronx went very well. Spreading the word, baby...spreading the word. To see the trailer and to pick up a copy of this documentary go to www.carltonefilms.com. ...

12//3/2016 Duane and DC3 started a new record at The Recording Company and it went beyond fabulous as they played the way a power trio should....LIVE! They will be performing at Jax in Killington tonight. DC has added more and more shows to the Schedule. Watch for more from DC3 to be added. "Divided by Diversity" will be shown at The Bronx Museum of Art on December 12th at 6:30. NYC....here we come.

11//8/2016 Election Day is here....so get out and vote. DC has had a number of great shows throughout the Northeast this summer and fall. MA, NY, NH, CT...of course VT. We are looking forward to topping off what has been an incredible year with a busy winter playing schedule. We are working on  putting together shows for 2017 and can't wait to play for all of you. DC3 will be entering NY recording studio, The Recording Company to begin a new record and when they rock Killington in December they will be debuting new songs from the record. Duane is putting together a showing of his film, "Divided by Diversity" in the Bronx, NY in December also. More to come on this...

10//14/2016 Sooooooo many new shows just posted !!!! 

9//28/2016 It's official!!!! Duane's new film, "Divided by Diversity" will be showing at the West Rutland Town Hall Theater on October 22nd at 7:00 p.m. There will be a Q&A panel of people in the film following the showing. Get tickets on the Divided by Diversity Tickets Page and learn more at www.carltonefilms.com .

9//17/2016 Yeeehaw! heading into the Fall with some goodies for you. First, Duane and fellow Heavily Brother reuntied for a really sweet set at Harvest Moon and we have the pics to prove it in the Acoustic Gallery. "Divided by Diversity" was released to critical acclaim and a sold out theater!!! More showings are being set up as we speak and you will be the first to know. To read about this film and see the trailer go to www.carltonefilms.com .  New Shows added too.....

8//28/2016 Don't forget that Duane will be premiering his newest film, "Divided by Diversity" about five kids from NYC who attended a private school in VT and joined the basketball team. They faced a great deal of adversity driven by entitlement and racism. The film will premier at The Village Picture Shows in Manchester, VT on Weds. August 31st at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased either at the door or by calling (802) 362-2982. To learn more about the film and to see the trailer you can go to www.carltonefilms.com  We really would appreciate your support.....thank you.

8/16/2016 Big stuff going on. More and more and more shows pouring in. Check out the Schedule to see for yourself. Duane opened for Robert Randolph and The Family Band last week. DC had a great set and had a blast playing for the big crowd. Check out Duane's complete Bio !!!! Duane is poised to release his second film, "Divided by Diversity" on Weds. August 31st at The Village Picture Shows in Manchester, VT at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in advance. We launched a new website for Carl Tone Films, check out the trailer

8/5/2016 Tomorrow (Saturday) Duane will be opening for Robert Randolph in Killington, VT....lots of new dates just posted in the Schedule....also, Duane has officially launched a film company and his first film, "Overtaken by Darkness" about the mysterious and unsolved homicide of Golf Pro Sarah Hunter is finished and available at www.carltonefilms.com  . You can view trailers for both that film and his second film, "Divided by Diversity" about a group of five students from NYC that attended a private school in VT and were the focus of controversy when they joined the basketball team....

7/15/2016 Tonight, Duane hits the road for a show at Dante's in Stratford, CT! Tomorrow you have two chances to catch a show as he hits the Wine Festival in Killington, VT and DC3 rocks Rutland at 3DDD's....So many new Shows posted..... Duane has officially completed his first film, "Overtaken by Darkness" and his second film, "Divided by Diversity". He has launched a new site for his film company Carl Tone Films where you can see trailers and get info about showings etc.

Yowza! The summer is in full swing and so much is going on! Duane has begun his summer playing in Lake George and Clifton Park in NY and will be playing in CT in July and he has started his summer Thursday night residency at Nipper's in Manchester, VT. Lots and lots of shows have come in. Duane will be officially launching his film company website in June and has two films to be released by August.....so much more to come....

More shows coming in for the Summer....."Summertime, Summertime, Sum, Sum, Summertime....Just added a show for Saturday 5/13/2016 at Peddlar's in Clifton Park NY from 5:30 - 9:00. All this and more. Just check out the Schedule.

Well, well, well....here we go...heading through Spring and on our way to Summer. We continue to add dates to the Schedule...more chances for you to catch a show. Duane has added a few shows at The Foundry as well as at Christy's On The Lake in Lake George. We are currently in the process of doing a complete revamp of the website....keep your eyes peeled!!!!!!!

Old Man Winter heads on down the road and spring is on the way....as are a bunch of new shows (including a return to The Foundry) for Duane and of course, DC3 and.....a Heavily Bros. reunion. Check out the Schedule for all incoming shows! We've posted a few delightful photos from this ski season's mayhem and fun on the Acoustic Gallery and on the Electric Gallery. Lots of things are in the works for this summer, Duane has new film coming out, DC3 will be working on recording and there will be some exciting shows to announce......

DC3....DC3...DC3!!!!! Yup...you can see them at K1 Base Lodge in Killington VT on Saturday 3/26 from 2:00 - 5:00! Watch for lots more show for DC3 to be coming in...and speaking of which....DC has added a number of new shows for the summer....summertime, summertime...sum, sum, summertime....check them out on the Schedule.......

There are two DC3 shows coming up...one is tomorrow at Stratton Mountain Resort and the other is at the K1 Base Lodge in Killington, VT.  The weather has forced some changes to the Schedule. Strange "winter" out there...DC3 has been having fabulous rehearsals and are working up new material to lay on y'all. They look forward to capturing some of this material on tape and getting it out there this summer....let's hope that's not when all the snow arrives....You can check out DC3 on the Video Page. Their entire show at the Paramount Theatre is there, including the brand new tune, "Selfie"...

DC3 will be playing a daytime show at the Stratton Mountain Resort in Stratton VT on Friday, February 26 from 1:00 - 4:00! Throughout the next month you will have a few more chances to see the band play...just check out the Schedule for details. Duane's friend Holly came to visit Killington a few weeks back and of course, they had to do a few duets...we have just posted a few photos on the Acoustic Gallery....

We have some great shows coming up!!! Of course, the Lynch Bros. at mogul's, DC with DC3 percussionist Gary Spaulding at bear Mtn., DC at Nippers, Local's Night at Jax, K1....I mean c'mon....and then next week we have a full blown electric DC3 show happening at Stratton Mtn. Resort!!! For details, check out the Schedule. We have added a few photos of Duane and DC3 bass player Brian Hobbs at Pico Mtn. and DC at Jax.....home of the world famous LOCAL'S NIGHT!!!! Check these pics out in the Acoustic Gallery. For those not in the know, Duane's newest band is DC3. It is comprised of DC, bassist Brian Hobs and drummer Gary Spaulding. This is an Americana inspired power trio. You can check out the video of them playing at The Paramount Theater in the Video Gallery....there will be more coming from them in the future......

Well, well, well...we're getting some snow and the winter is rolling now! Flannel Fest continues and we have some pics of the good times freshly posted in the Acoustic Gallery and the Backstage Gallery. Last weekend was awesome as we had our good friend Holly join Duane for a number of mini-sets in the Killington area that...well....quite frankly....kicked butt! We will be receiving both video and photos which we will of course, pass along. There are lots and lots of shows and more coming in. Make sure to check out the Schedule so you don't miss your chance to catch a show.. Duane has been hard at work trying to finish up a new film entitled, "Divided by Diversity". It is the story of five young men from The Bronx who attended a private school in VT. He hopes to release the film in the Spring. DC3 will be performing an acoustic show at Pico Mountain on Saturday from 2:00 - 5:00. They have been getting a lot of positive response from Duane's newest tune, "Selfie". There are plans to record and release this song this Summer. You can view a live version on the Video Page...

There's a whole bunch of stuff going on this week! Thursday Night Flannel Fest is the place to be in Killington...Duane and Tim Lynch will be playing at Mogul's Sports Pub providing a very unique musical experience. We have just posted a funny Fan Photo of the Lynch Bros. to brighten your day. Friday and Saturday Duane sets up camp at Bear Mountain in Killington VT for the happiest of Happy Hour/Apre' Ski sets. Saturday night....the Saturday night residency at Nipper's Cafe in Manchester VT. Sunday is time for the Sunday afternoon set at Pico Base Lodge and of course, Sunday night is Killington's long running and most fun night of the week.....LOCAL'S NIGHT. Monday is a mid-day show at K1 Base Lodge in Killington VT.....who needs to sleep? There are some DC3 dates coming up in February and March....with many more to come. Check out the Paramount Theater show on the Video Page to check out this band and to hear the preview of Duane's newest tune "Selfie" DC3 will be going into the studio in the Spring to begin work on a new DC album.  of course, there are many more dates posted to the Schedule. Hey, don't forget to go to the Links Page and check out Duane's Pandora station!

January 21, 2016  After a few technical difficulties here at DC Central we are back in action. The Winter has finally kicked in and Duane is cranking away for sure. he and "brother" Tim Lynch have been having more fun that two guys in red flannel should at their residency at Mogul's in Killington VT. It has become the Thursday place to be on the hill and they have set out to provide a very unique musical experience....you don't want to miss it. Check out the Schedule for all dates! We have posted some photos in the Acoustic Gallery...as well as a great old shot of Acoustic Alley performing at The Stoweflake some years ago....nice blast from the past! We have added a shot from DC3's killer show at the K1 Base Lodge in Killington in the Electric Gallery. DC3 has been having a blast and are working on some new DC tunes....I'm not saying there may be another record.....but.......DC3 also wishes to thank everyone who came out to 3DDD's two weeks ago for a great show!!! Also in the Electric Gallery we have posted a great shot of Duane in the Sandra Wright Band performing at Savannah's in Ludlow VT....from waaaaaaayy back. Duane did some tracks for his friend Tommy and when the record is coming out we'll keep you posted.

January 6, 2016  Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! This has been quite a run of shows and excitement from Christmas until now. Thank you as always for all of the support. We here at DC Central are looking forward to a great year. Wwe had to correct the Schedule to reflect that DC3 will be playing at 3DDD's in Rutland on Friday 1/8 from 9:30 -m 1:30...there are a ton of new shows posted including a DC3 show at K1 Base Lodge in Killington, VT on the 9th with Killington's own most interesting man Chris Thayer and the Dos Equis girls...they will be giving away a 2016-17 Killington unrestricted season pass valued at $1500....you get to ski/snowboard and great rock and roll....c'mon people...that's a win-win for sure. Also, don't miss The Lynch Bros. (Tim Lynch and Duane) as they kick off the 2016 season on Thursday nights at Mogul's in Killington too. We've thrown a few photos up on the Acoustic Gallery for your viewing pleasure. This promises to be the most unique duo on the hill....see for yourself....

December 24, 2015  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. The ski season has been taking some hard knocks so far this winter and as a result, we regret to inform you of some schedule changes. Some Base lodges are not open yet...so please refer to the Schedule for all changes to the performance itinerary. Tonight, Duane will be playing solo at Mogul's in Killington, VT. Fellow Lynch Brother, Tim is off for the evening but will be back next week....this is Killington's newest and most exciting duo. Get yer red flannel on and get ready for a whole new musical experience! Duane has been diligently working on a new film that he hopes to have out this Spring. He also has been working on getting his first film, "Overtaken by Darkness" available to the public....it is going to be ready very soon...DC3 had a great show last Saturday at Jax in Killington. This was a super rare acoustic performance. Watch for the band to expand their playing schedule in the new year and to be doing some recording as well..... 

December 9, 2015  Well...here we sit...waiting for winter. Duane and Tim Lynch have been rocking at Mogul's in Killington VT on Thursdays and have been really taking things up a notch. Duane debuted a tune on piano last week. They have lots of cool things planned for the winter....ya better check them out, you'll like it. There have been more dates added with the new trio DC3...including a cool acoustic show on the 19th at Jax. There will be some new recordings in the works for DC3....you also won't want to miss that. Duane is contemplating an acoustic live solo album too....let him know if you think that is a good idea. Duane has been working extensively on a new film that he hopes to release in February....no rest for the wicked they say....

November 18, 2015  Whoa Nelly! Look out Winter...here we come! We have added some new dates. Now you may notice that there is a new addition of Thursday nights at Mogul's in Killington VT w/ The Lynch Brothers. For those not in the know, this will be a duo with Tim Lynch...producer and musician extraordinaire!!! More shows are coming in all the time! We have just posted some more photos from the DC3 show at The Paramount Theatre in the Electric Gallery. Speaking of DC3...you can catch them and hear Duane's new tune, "Selfie" at 3DDD's in Rutland VT this Friday the 20th. We'd love, love, love to see you there....

October 30, 2015  Well....the DC3 show at The Paramount Theater was a raging success!!!! Duane and the boys debuted a new song, "Selfie"...destined to be a hit with a bullet. We have posted the entire show on the Video Page for your enjoyment. There are recordings made by our archivists Phil Fernandez, Ryan Coffey and Matt Coffey which will be posted at a later date. We have also posted a number of photos from the show on the Electric Gallery. New Shows for the winter are starting to pour in. Duane will be adding solo shows, DC3 shows and even a new duo with his "brother" Tim Lynch! You may recall Tim as the owner/operator of The Recording Company and also as a co-producer on Duane's records and a former member of The Backwoods Messiahs. 

October 22, 2015  Today is the day!!! DC3 will be rocking the beautiful Paramount Theater in Rutland, VT as part of the 802 Live Music Showcase series! Doors open at 6:30 and DC3 kicks it off at 7:00 with Ida Mae Specker and Waylon Speed following. DC3 will be debuting a new DC original song at this show. We really, really, really appreciate all of your support. Thank you. There will be lots of new shows added to the schedule throughout the following week or two, so make sure to check back for new news and updates.... 

October 8, 2015  DC3 is playing at 3DDD's in Rutland, VT on Friday 10/09/2015!!!!!! Tell all yer friends! VT Rock and Roll, power trio comin' to town....just a little precursor for the 802 Live Showcase on 10/22. 

September 30, 2015  Whooooa Nelly!!!!!! So much going on! Do you want to help your own community? Do you like VT made music? Then make sure to pick up a ticket for the 802 Music Showcase at The Paramount Theatre on October 22nd. http://www.paramountvt.org/event/802-vt-music-showcase/ $15 to hear 3 bands...now that's a bargain for sure! This show means a lot personally to Duane as it is a great honor to play at The Paramount and for them to promote VT music is a major thing. It's important to support these shows so that they will continue to do them. We really would appreciate your support. Duane reunited with fellow Heavily Brother Rick Redington at the Bootcampers Against Breast Cancer Benefit last week. It has been at least a decade since they have played together...photos have been posted on the Acoustic Gallery. Duane had a fabulous time !!!! Lots of new shows have been added for the Fall/Winter, better check out the Schedule to see for yourself. 

September 12, 2015  Tickets are officially on sale for the 802 Live concert at The Paramount Theater in Rutland, VT. We really, really, really would appreciate your support for this show. http://www.paramountvt.org/event/802-vt-music-showcase/ click on that..pick up a ticket....have a good time...it's that easy. This is your chance to support VT made and played music. We have just posted a ton of new dates for the winter itinerary....take a peek at the Schedule.

September 5, 2015  Big, big announcement.....Duane will be playing a showcase concert with DC3 at The Paramount Theatre in Rutland, VT on Thursday October 22nd. It will be a triple bill with Ida Mae Specker and Waylon Speed!!! Tickets go on sale today and will be a mere $15! You can get them as well as all the info you need right here: http://www.paramountvt.org/event/802-vt-music-showcase/ . In other news, Duane will be performing at Harvest Moon today at 2:00. Lots of new shows have been added to the Schedule....with more to come this week....

August 27, 2015  Well, well, well....here we are heading toward the Fall....Let's start out with some new shows! Duane Carleton and his trio DC3 will be playing a super cool double Bill at The Paramount Theater in Rutland, VT on October 22nd with Waylon Speed!!! DC3 makes it's debut this weekend at Stratton Mountain on Saturday from 3:00 - 6:00. We will let you know as soon as we can when the tickets go on sale for this epic concert! Also, Thursday nights at Nipper's in Manchester, VT have been awesome! Outdoors under the stars, live acoustic music, great food, a fire pit, cocktails...c'mon people how much fun can you have in one place at one time? The winter playing schedule is being put together as we speak...you will want to check back as there will be a lot of new things to announce...very cool things....For all of Duane's shows check out his schedule. Duane's BFF from high school, who also was a drummer with Duane back then, just appeared at Duane's show in Lake George and sat in on the Cajon....picking up where they left off. To see a pic as well as lots of new pics check out the Acoustic Gallery. How about some bootleg music....okay...we just posted a show from The Killington Block party earlier this year to the Bootleg Vault.....free for the taking......

August 13, 2015  Lots and lots of new things in the works!!! We've been busy working on new gigs for the Fall and Winter and have added a few for not only Duane solo but the new trio DC3! Duane has been having a great time in Manchester VT on Thursdays and there is talk of extending this through the Winter....Thank you to all who have been so supportive of these shows. Of course, you can find all of Duane's dates on the Schedule. We have added a few photos from Nipper's Cafe submitted for your approval by our friend Phil on the Acoustic Gallery. How about some video...okay...we have added a full show from The Backwoods Messiahs concert in West Rutland!!! Great performance by the band and awesome filming job by our buddy Tom from PEGTV!!! Check it out on the Video Page!!!!!!

July 29, 2015  Big week coming up! Thursday, Duane will be playing with The Backwoods Messiahs on the green in West Rutland, VT from 7-8:30. Friday, he'll be rocking Manchester, VT at Nipper's, Saturday in Colchester, VT at McGillicuddy's and Sunday...well you know. Check out the Schedule for all upcoming dates! Also, we've added new photos to both the Electric Gallery and the Acoustic Gallery. Great time at Sean and Ben's wedding this weekend (wedding party might be more accurate) we posted pics from the party as well. Coming up next month we'll be seeing the debut of Duane's newest project DC3....keep checking in for more info!

July 15, 2015  DOH! You had better check out the Schedule ....we have finally revealed the Secret Surprise Show! Also, we have added the first show with DC3, the new trio that Duane has put together with bassist Brian Hobbs and drummer Gary Spaulding! If you haven't been to Nipper's in Manchester VT on a Thursday....you are missing the boat. Duane has been doing a series of outside shows there and they have been more fun than people should be allowed to have. We have posted photos from some of these shows as well as some other acoustic shows in the Acoustic Gallery. Hey, we've added some pics of the cool folks that have been coming out to LOCAL'S NIGHT at Jax on Sundays to sit in...such as Andy Lugo.We have also added some shots to the Electric Gallery and the Backstage Gallery. Don't forget that Duane and The Backwoods Messiahs will be playing on the green in West Rutland on the last Thursday of this month...which means he'll be at Nipper's on Friday that week. So many shows...if you missed some make sure you check out the Bootleg Vault to catch up....

June 25, 2015  Duane had such a fabulous time at McGillicuddy's in Colchester!!! Thank you to all the DC Northern VT folks who came to the show. Lots and lots of new shows being added. We have added the first DC3 show in August at Stratton Mtn. You won't want to miss this new band...gonna be some rock and roll for your soul! Duane has a big show coming up this weekend at The Long Trail Brewery in Bridgewater VT from noon-2:00. hell yeah! Great event to support VT Adaptive!!! New shows in Manchester VT too....Dahling, you must take a look at the Schedule for yourself...it's simply mahvelous.....We have also added a new Vyto Starinskas photo to the Acoustic Gallery for your viewing pleasure. 

June 11, 2015  Here comes the Summer! Duane has added a bunch of new shows to the Schedule! He will be returning to Lake George NY and Manchester VT, just to name a few...there's even one show that is on double secret probation (kidding...just can't announce it yet). Lots of new things in the works also. Our best wishes go out to drummer extraordinaire Gary Spaulding who suffered a medical emergency and is now on the mend after several days in the hospital. Gary is also playing in a new side project with Duane to be called DC3. They will be joined by Brian Hobbs on bass. This promises to be an exciting musical experience! Lots of cool gigs coming up including, The Long Trail Century Ride, Christie's On The Lake and the West Rutland Green. Make sure to dial up Duane Carleton on Pandora....sweeeeeeeeet!!!!!

May 24, 2015  Well...it's Memorial Day Weekend and we're heading into the summer now....so, we've added a bunch more Shows ! Duane will be making the rounds with several shows in Lake George, Killington, Woodstock etc.. Also, we've added a whole lot of new tunes to the Bootleg Vault....free music for you....why...because we love and appreciate you. Make sure to request "A Girl Like That" on your favorite Americana/Jam radio stations as well as Pandora. It would mean so much to us here at DC Central. Don't forget, there will be a Backwoods Messiahs show this Friday at 3DDD's in Rutland VT....this will be Gary Spaulding's return to the band and our first show with 2 drummers. We are kicking things up a notch musically and our looking forward to blazing into new musical territory!

May 8, 2015  We just added 2 new dates for today and tomorrow at The Foundry in Killington, VT from 5:30 - 9:30. For all shows check out the Schedule...

April 30, 2015  New dates galore...summertime is coming folks...let's rock! Check out the Schedule to find a show to catch. Duane's newest record, "A Girl Like That" has been submitted to be added to playlists for Americana Radio...call or e-mail your favorite stations to request Duane's album get airplay....we surely would appreciate it greatly. Duane had a great time opening for the legendary Wailers at The Pickle Barrel. You can check out Duane's lengthy list of people he has opened for, performed with or recorded with by going to the Biography Page.

April 17, 2015  Tonight is your chance to see and hear the one and only Backwoods Messiahs at 3 DDD's in Rutland VT from 9:30 - 1:30! Also, Duane's new album, "A Girl Like That" is going for adds starting May 1st. That means that if you listen to any Americana or Jam Band radio stations (online or otherwise) you should contact those stations and ask them to add Duane's record....we really, really would appreciate it. The new album is also being added to Duane's Pandora station http://www.pandora.com/station/play/2609957731116085613 ...if you haven't tuned in, please do yourself and us a favor and give it a listen. Way Cool!!! Thanks to all for making the Winter Shows so cool!!! We had fun and hope that you did too. We have started to fill in the Summer Schedule with some cool and exciting shows. Duane had a blast opening for The Wailers last Friday. We have a few photos for your perusal in the Acoustic Gallery.... 

April 8, 2015  THIS JUST IN!!!! Duane will be opening for The Wailers on Friday night at The Pickle Barrel with special guest Jeff Poremski! Wanna hear a tune from the new record, "A Girl Like That"? Okay, check out the Music Samples Page. In fact, you can hear samples from all of Duane's albums there. Shows with The Backwoods Messiahs are coming up soon and if you want to be in the know check out the Shows Page. We have also revamped the Bio Page...in case you wanted to know all about the myth and legend of DC....

April 1, 2015  The Backwoods Messiahs had such a great time playing an acoustic show at The Foundry that we're sharing it right here in the Bootleg Vault !!!!!! New Shows just added with lots more to come.....looking forward to a great summer! Thank you to all who came to see Duane this winter and we look forward to seeing you this summer!

March 20, 2015  Welcome to the new revamped and streamlined DC Website! We have made the navigation even easier. We have added a bunch...I mean a bunch of new shows including shows in Lake George and the Long Trail Century Ride...check out all of the Shows.

March 6, 2015  We have just posted the first three episodes of the new tv show that Duane is producing and directing, "The Inside Track". The show spotlights Songwriters in an in-depth and fascinating way. Also, get ready for a rare and special show! DC and The Backwoods Messiahs will be performing an acoustic show at The Foundry in Killington, VT next Friday at 8:00. We guarantee that you won't see this happen too often and is worth seeing and hearing. A whole different way to enjoy your favorite DC tunes! This and lots of other shows listed on the Schedule.

February 28, 2015  New shows just added!!!! Don't forget that we have an acoustic show with The Backwoods Messiahs at The Foundry this month! These don't happen very often, so you don't want to miss it....check out all of the dates on the schedule. Also, Duane's been having a blast jamming with Brian Hobbs (former Acoustic Alley member) on Sundays at Pico. We have added some photos to the Acoustic Gallery...one's a real nice one of these guys jamming together. 

February 18, 2015  Wow! What a great show at 3DDD's last week. Very cool turnout and the Messiahs are really hitting on all cylinders. We'll prove it by posting the recording of the first set in the Bootleg Vault. Also, we'll throw up some cool pics on the Backwoods Messiahs Page!!!!! Watch for an acoustic show at The Foundry next month with the Messiahs as well as new Messiahs shows just posted on the Schedule....

January 31, 2015  Well, well...it has been a busy little time! Duane did not one but two TV shows for GNAT-TV this past week. One was about his film, "Overtaken By Darkness" and the other was about the new CD, "A Girl Like That". Thank you to Andrew McKeever. These will be airing soon and will be posted online. the album was just reviewed in The Mountain Times and you may read it on the Review Page. Thank you to Dave Hoffenberg. Speaking of TV shows...if you haven't checked out "The Inside Track" (a new show produced and directed by Duane) go to http://vp.telvue.com/player?id=T00969&video=222210 to watch the first episode. This is the most in-depth show about VT songwriters you will see. The first episode features Duane's friend, Phil Henry. We have posted some new photos for you as well. DC has been working hard at Pico and Killington and here's a few shots in the Acoustic Gallery. Also, we added somee new photos to the Jeff Poremski Page. Don't forget, The Backwoods Messiahs will be playing at 3DDD's in Rutland, VT next Friday (the 13th) from 9:30 - 1:30. 

January 21, 2015  Oh yeah! We just posted up a nice new pic of DC playing in Killington on the Acoustic Gallery! Also...for those of you who couldn't attend the CD Release Party for "A Girl Like That", you can check out what you missed as we just posted the whole show in the Bootleg Vault....sweeeeeeet! We are currently working on some things for the Backwoods Messiahs. If you haven't checked out the new cd....check out the samples at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/duanecarleton4 ....try it...you'll like it.....

January 17, 2015  How's about some new photos from The Backwoods Messiahs show at 3DDD's...okay....Check out the Chris Johnson Page, the Jeff Poremski Page, The Electric Gallery, and The Backwoods Messiahs Page...Audio (provided by Phil Fernandez) from this show posted to The Bootleg Vault. New Messiahs shows posted and more coming in to The Schedule!!!

January 1, 2015  HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL!!!!! So many shows happening and so many just posted on the Schedule. CD's are moving quickly, so make sure you get yourself a copy....it'll make ya feel good....Thanks again to everyone who came out to the CD Release party...we just posted some video from the show on the Video Page. Also, some new adds to the Backwoods Messiahs Page and we'd like to welcome the you to check out the new Chris Johnson Page...make sure you mark your calendar for the next Messiahs show on January 9 at 3DDD's....