JEFF POREMSKI Jeff is an alumni of such regional bands as Apathy Jones, Stone Zoo, and The Luv Machine. A tasteful and skilled guitarist in his own right he adds his formidable talents to The Backwoods Messiahs on both guitar and mandolin (and occasionally bass).
Jeff soars on the lap steel at 3DDD's 2015... Jeff is the rumble at the Long Trail Century Ride. photos provided by Robin of Creative Images By Robin... Jeff playing the funk at Long Trail Brewery in Bridgewater, VT 6/2013 Jeff playing bass on Duane's upcoming album. Jeff and special guest drummer, Russ Lawton laying down a deep, deep groove at 3D's in Rutland, VT 11-10-2012 Jeff has a reflective moment at The Pickle Barrel 2012 Jeff rocks the bottom end...hard!! Michael Myers critiques Jeff's performance 11/29/2011 Jeff soars at The Killington Benefit October 2, 2011 Here's five shots provided by Michael O'Brien of the Main Street Park show. Jeff at Harvest Moon 2009 in some more Michael O' Brien provided pictures...nice. Jeff recording bass tracks for Duane's album, "Rust".....and his little friend..... Jeff ripping it up with The Solarfest House Band 2011!!!